The scope of content writing is rising. And over recent years, the majority of people have entered the freelance industry worldwide.

If you also wish to join the freelance world and want to become a freelance content writer, sit back because this guide will help you accomplish the same.

This article includes a step-by-step guide to help you start your journey to become a freelance content writer.

Step 1: Select Your Niche

Decide which category or industry you prefer to write in. Choosing a topic that interests you will boost your confidence and help you write more effectively.

Some of the high-paying categories are:

  • Technology
  • Travel
  • Automobiles
  • Fitness
  • Health
  • Finance & Stocks
  • Education

Step 2: Create a Portfolio of Your Work

To showcase your writing style and the quality of your work, you must first build your portfolio. Every client, before hiring you, will want to test how effectively you can write and how your writing can benefit their business.

To build your portfolio, you can do the following:

  • Start a blog on WordPress and Wix
  • Write on Medium, HubPages or other such platforms

Step 3: Build Your Online Presence

Building your online presence is similar to building your house –but this time on Google. Establishing your online authority is essential when you want to work online.

For example, if you search “Amit Masih Writer” on Google, you will get to know more about me. However, this is not a feel-good example, but this might give you a brief insight into what I’m mean.

  • Start writing on Quora
  • Start a blog
  • Join Facebook groups and writers’ community

Step 4: Start Finding Work on Upwork, Fiverr

After building your portfolio and online presence, it’s time to hunt for clients. There are several portals you can find content writing work on. To start with, you can create your freelance content writer profile on popular freelance websites like Fiverr and Upwork.

Other platforms you can find work on:

  • Problogger Job Board
  • Blogging Pro
  • IWriter
  • People Per Hour
  • Freelancer
  • Freelance writing
  • Content Writers
  • Crowd Content

Step 5: Ask for Guest Posting

Guest posting can add a significant amount of value to your Google authority. Guest posting not only helps you to build your portfolio, but it also helps you to publish your name along with your work.

  • Write an awesome author bio for yourself
  • Don’t forget to add your website, portfolio or social media profile links

Step 6: Collect Reviews and Testimonials from Your Clients

Taking reviews and testimonials after completing tasks will add an extra layer of chances to find the work online easily. Ask your customers to provide you with a review on your LinkedIn profile or via email.

  • Ask your clients to recommend you directly
  • Endorse you on LinkedIn

Step 7: Continue Learning New Skills

Getting your first customer doesn’t mean you’ve won the battle. To survive in the freelance industry, you must constantly acquire new skills.

  • Take online courses to learn more about content writing and digital marketing
  • Brush up your existing skills
  • Increase your charges
  • Try new niches or broaden your services
  • Learn task management skills