5 Ways to Find Freelance Writing Jobs - amit masih writer

Content Writing

5 Ways to Find Freelance Writing Jobs

Freelance writing is a lucrative and flexible career path that allows content writers to work from anywhere in the world.

amit masih writer - content writer

Content Writing

I chose to be a writer

Despite all the challenges that life pushed my way, I chose to be a writer. It was when I was at my lowest point – with no opportunities, no connections, and no breaks.

How to Become a Freelance Content Writer in 2022 - amit masih writer

Content Writing

7 Steps to Become a Freelance Content Writer in 2022

If you also wish to join the freelance world and want to become a freelance content writer, sit back because this guide will help you accomplish the same.


Content Writing

Why Do I Prefer Freelancing over a Full-time Job? Freelance vs Full-time

One of the coolest and most fascinating facts I love about being a freelancer is that you can work on several tasks simultaneously. So, to make it more transparent, let’s say

Amit Masih Writer